Justin Anderson: The Real Deal

Justin is a Lieutenant Colonel who earned the Bronze Star serving in Afghanistan, a union member who oversaw our state’s most dangerous criminals at a maximum security prison and a selfless public servant, currently running for the Connecticut State Senate.
Justin doesn’t just talk about foreign policy, he’s lived it. He doesn’t just talk about public safety, he’s lived it. He didn’t just move to our district; he’s been a Connecticut resident for decades. His knowledge of state and national issues is readily apparent whenever he speaks.

A Call for Effective Leadership

The near future will determine the direction of America…forever. What Washington needs is sound judgement and ideas that benefit both sides of the aisle. This includes less government, the defense of our constitutional rights, and most importantly, a move away from division and hate.
Decisions do not have to be made down party lines. However, they do have to be made in the best interest of “We the People.” Our current Representative does not represent me, or the beliefs of my constituents, which is why I launched my campaign. – Justin Anderson
Justin Anderson is the Republican candidate for State Senator, Connecticut’s 33rd Senate District.
To avoid a Primary delay for a Republican Candidate
I have Ended my Campaign
“My views are conservative, but one cannot discredit all ideas simply because they are put forth by another party.
Good ideas can come from anywhere.”